third party logistics provider transloading

Is your Third Party Logistics Provider Using Transloading?

Save as much as 25 to 40 percent on transit time with transloading


How do you succeed as a company? Doing what you do better than the competition. Easy, right? We would tend to say no, as so many companies struggle to differentiate themselves and gain a competitive advantage.

When it comes to transportation services, like those from a third party logistics provider, doing better than the competition means a win for you and a win for us. By moving your freight, faster, and more efficiently, we save you time and money. It’s as simple as that.

One method we use at Clark Logistic Services, is called transloading. If you are unfamiliar, here’s a quick and easy explanation. When something is shipped, at times, it must be transferred from one mode of transportation to another. For example, items from overseas are mostly moved from boat or air plane to a truck or train.

The concept of transloading is very basic, but the execution is not. Items can become lost, or damaged due to the extra handling required. That’s why the third party logistics provider executing your transloading must have the right fail-safes and facilities in place. Here’s a few we suggest looking into:

One Track Approach: Transloading can mean multiple exchanges along the way. If your third party logistics provider has a one-track approach, it’s time to find a new one. Transportation services are complicated, and the idea that one mode of transportation will work every time is hard to believe.

Technology: Changing modes of transportation means a need for better tracking. At any time, a third party logistics provider will be handling thousands of items at once. They need a real time database of every item, at every moment. Ask about your provider’s technology and tracking practices.

Minimized Handling: Every time a package is handled, the possibility arises that it could be broken or damaged. Many third party logistic providers will have facilities and transloading practices designed to minimize the number of times an item is handled.

Efficiency: Transloading should improve your supply chain transit time by as much as 25 to 40 percent. Ask your provider about their transit time and how they ensure to hit tight deadlines.

Processes like transloading, from a third party logistics provider, can offer you the type of advantages that will set you apart from the competition. It just takes the right provider to get the job done.

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  1. […] Transloading a complicated process performed by a third party logistics provider that can save any retailer or manufacturer big  […]

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